© Samuel Duarte
Demasiado [Too much] | AT THE WINDOW
(2022; site-specific; fabric, foam, fiberfill, sheets, second-hand clothes, red light; ~290x145x100cm)
Demasiado was born of a recurring childhood dream in which people were too large to fit into. The framing of the dream showed only a very large foot passing by, an enormous head that was not possible to see in full, the side of a giant hanging hand that calmly swung back and forth. Everything was too zoomed in to see the whole person.
It was distressing not being able to get enough distance to see the whole body. However, after waking up, from the nightmare it was kept the desire to reproduce it in the imagination, to reproduce this giant image difficult to understand, letting the anguish and vertigo prevail.
This installation intends to give substance to the dualities brought about by this dream and after waking up from it
caress-push childhood-oldnes comfort-danger affection-roughness shelter-abyss
Demasiado was thought for CABANAmad's windows, so as to be seen from the outside, from the bottom up.
It was distressing not being able to get enough distance to see the whole body. However, after waking up, from the nightmare it was kept the desire to reproduce it in the imagination, to reproduce this giant image difficult to understand, letting the anguish and vertigo prevail.
This installation intends to give substance to the dualities brought about by this dream and after waking up from it
caress-push childhood-oldnes comfort-danger affection-roughness shelter-abyss
Demasiado was thought for CABANAmad's windows, so as to be seen from the outside, from the bottom up.
Demasiado | AT THE WINDOW
(2022; site-specific; tecidos, espumas, enchimento de algodão e poliéster, lençóis, roupas em segunda-mão, luz vermelha; ~290x145x100cm)
Demasiado nasce de um recorrente sonho enquanto criança em que as pessoas eram demasiadamente grandes para caber nele. No enquadramento do sonho dava para ver apenas um pé muito grande a passar, uma cabeça enorme que não era possível ver na totalidade, a lateral de uma mão gigante que calmamente oscilava para a frente e para trás. Estava tudo com demasiado zoom para ver a pessoa inteira.Afligia não conseguir ter o afastamento suficiente para ver o corpo todo. No entanto, depois de acordar, do pesadelo era guardado o desejo de o reproduzir na imaginação, de reproduzir esta imagem gigante difícil de entender, deixando a angústia e a vertigem levarem a melhor.
Esta instalação pretende dar corpo às dualidades trazidas por este sonho e depois de acordar dele
afago-empurrão infância-vetustez conforto-perigo carinho-bruteza abrigo-abismo
Demasiado foi pensada para as janelas da CABANAmad, de forma a ser vista do exterior, de baixo para cima.